Written By Ade Ori Ade.
Reading Time: 17hrs
864 Pages. Published 2024.

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Have you ever wondered what life was created for,

and the essence of the diversity of beauty in it?

Why are there so many beautiful birds flying around?

Why are there so many beautiful natural and manmade destinations?

Why are the streets teeming with handsome men and beautiful ladies?

Why are there so many beautiful and sleek cars?

Haven’t you noticed the many restaurants and their beautiful interiors?

Why are there so many beautiful homes and apartments?

Why are there so many beautifully fashionable things?

The world is full of beautiful things, events, moments and places.

Enjoy your share of it, have your things and enjoy your life.

Many humans shine like stars in the sky.

Shine too, fulfil your purpose in life and you’ll be very happy.

Joyful experiences are in abundance.

Internalise the feelings, live in abundance, and become more.

Everything is endless; you can have endless fun too,

by living, working, creating, loving, playing,

thinking, laughing, helping, singing, and dancing.

Don’t let anything hold you back.

You can always forgive yourself and others.

You can always forget the past and forge a new future.

Let it all go, focus on the endless happiness life has for you.

Live awake today; enjoy the gift of life today and tomorrow.

Enjoy your share of happiness.

Written by Ade Ori Ade


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